Archive for July, 2014
The Political Implications of the World Cup
Posted on July 3, 2014
A friend of mine, let’s call him Paul, hates soccer and didn’t watch a second of the World Cup. He is not particularly alone. Ann Coulter, that modicum of balance...
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Hobby Lobby Is Over-Rated As a Political Issue
Posted on July 2, 2014
This originally appeared in the Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank The last best hope for congressional Democrats this fall is changing the subject from the dismal performance of the president...
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The Non-Scandal Scandal
Posted on July 2, 2014
This originally appeared in the Wall Street Journal You wonder why Congress has approval ratings of 7%? The fake scandal over a simple change in ethics rules helps explain why....
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Some Incomplete Thoughts on the Dangers of “Crony Capitalism”
Posted on July 2, 2014
I am very sympathetic to the libertarian philosophy. I believe that when government tries to subvert markets, things go awry. Prohibition is a perfect example. The government tried to stamp...
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