October 29, 2018
Blame the Perps, Not the Politicians
Donald Trump was not to blame for the terrible bombing of the Alfred Murrah building in Oklahoma City in 1995. Neither was Bill Clinton. He wasn’t to blame for the most notorious bombing in our history. Andrew Kehoe, angry that...
October 23, 2018
Nobody Knows Anything
“Nobody knows anything”. That’s an old Hollywood adage about what makes a hit. It’s also applicable to politics. Nobody really knows how this election is going to go. Nobody, unless you are Nate Silver. He says that there is an...
October 19, 2018
Podcast: Brave New World. It’s a Small World After all. We Are The Champions.
Featuring Special Guest: Peter Greenberger / Forest Hills Consultants @pgreenberger...
October 16, 2018
Beto’s Millions
Robert Francis O’Rourke shocked the political world by raising more 38 million dollars in a single quarter in his losing bid to unseat Ted Cruz in Texas. Robert Francis, who dubbed himself Beto, is a fourth generation Irish-American. He is...