October 8, 2018
The Deconstruction of the Democratic Party
Jacques Derrida would approve of the path that the Democratic Party has taken, I think. Derrida was the father of deconstruction, the philosophical movement that swept college campuses in the 1960’s and still plays a profound role in how many...
October 4, 2018
The Bi-Polar Congress
As the United States Senate concludes a bitter Supreme Court nomination fight, the U.S. House of Representatives has scattered to the four corners of America, trying to reach out to constituents before they go to vote on the first Tuesday...
September 25, 2018
The Many Ways the Democratic Left Has Expressed Its Hatred of Brett Kavanaugh
Let review the reasons why the Democrats have expressed their hatred of Brett Kavanaugh and desperately want to stop his confirmation to the Supreme Court: They hate President Trump: Many have said that they don’t think Mr. Trump won...
September 19, 2018
Candidates Matter And They Need to Fit Their Districts
No matter how unpopular or popular a President might be in the run-up to a midterm election, individual candidates matter. Good candidates win elections. Bad candidates lose them. Republicans have good candidates, battle-tested candidates, running in marginal...