July 24, 2018
The Genius of America
For those who don’t have young children, Sky Zone is a place where people of all ages, races, creeds and political persuasions jump up and down on trampolines, as they play dodgeball, dunk basketballs or just bounce to their heart’s...
July 20, 2018
Podcast: Helstinky. Live by conspiracy; Die by conspiracy. Summertime Blues.
Feehery Theory Podcast Epsiode 52: Helstinky. Live by conspiracy; Die by conspiracy. Summertime Blues....
July 17, 2018
Podcast: An Issue, Not a Solution. California Dreaming. Burden Sharing.
Episode 51 of The Feehery Theory Podcast with guest U.S. Rep Steve Knight (R-CA)....
July 17, 2018
The Long Game
This originally appeared in The Hill. Feehery: The long game Washington plays host to the 89th annual MLB All-Star game later today. The nation’s capital has a long, if complicated, relationship with the national pastime. It used to be said that...
July 10, 2018
Irish Need Not Apply
My grandfather (on my Dad’s side) voted against FDR four times. But as an Irish American, he was an anomaly. My mother’s side of the family was much more typical. They saw FDR and the Democratic Party in general as...
July 10, 2018
SCOTUS Pick Proves that POTUS is Smarter Than You
“I was with the Americans when they blundered into Berlin in 1918.” So said Claude Rains in the immortal Casablanca. Donald Trump is the epitome of the blundering American, looked down upon by all of the Old World elites. He...