June 19, 2018
This is why we need comprehensive immigration reform
This is why we need comprehensive immigration reform. Nobody likes the idea of separating children from their parents. Unless, of course, the parents are shooting heroin, snorting crack, drunk all the time or are mentally deranged and a threat to...
June 18, 2018
Betting on Trump
It was a 150-1 shot. That’s where Ladbrokes set the odds when Donald Trump announced three years ago that he was running for president. I guarantee that nobody in either political establishment took that bet from the London bookies when...
June 12, 2018
The Ugly American
Donald Trump is not “The Ugly American.” Not in a literary sense. “The Ugly American,” a book written by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer in the 1950’s and often confused with “The Quiet American,” written by Graham Greene, was an...
June 12, 2018
Singapore Summit Summary
Here are some initial thoughts from the Trump-Un summit: I don’t know who won or lost during the Singapore summit. It seems to me that anytime we are talking peace instead of war, we all win (unless you have...
June 5, 2018
Win the Summer and Win the Midterm Elections
To win the midterm elections, Republicans have to win the summer. Losing the summer loses elections. In 2010, Democrats lost control of the narrative on ObamaCare and the result was a blowout for the GOP. In 2006, an unpopular war...