April 17, 2018
Don’t call the game before it’s over
Thankfully, there is no mercy rule in politics. If there were, Republicans would already have lost their majority and Nancy Pelosi would be returning as Speaker. I coach my son’s Little League team, and we were hit by the mercy rule over...
April 12, 2018
On Paul Ryan’s Departure
Paul Ryan is a Boy Scout. He is probably one of the most sincere politicians I have ever met. He has his ideas and ideals and he likes to stick to them. He loves his wife and his children and...
April 9, 2018
The Good Veto
The only good veto is a nonveto. That was the view of my former boss, Denny Hastert (R-Ill.), who served as Speaker of the House for six years of the George W. Bush administration. Back in the day, the hard-right...