January 18, 2018
Liking Ike (And Trump)
“Don’t worry, Jim, if that question comes up, I’ll just confuse them.” So said Dwight Eisenhower to his panicked Press Secretary Jim Hagerty, as he prepared himself to meet the press. Hagerty was worried that Ike would give a direct...
January 16, 2018
Democrats Want An Issue, Not a Solution, To The Dreamer’s Debacle
It is entirely believable that President Trump uttered his now infamous shithole comment. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have let the comment linger out there as long as he did. Now, on background, it is being said that he didn’t...
January 11, 2018
Trump, Not Stephen Miller, Should Run the Point On Immigration
Who is running this White House, Stephen Miller or Donald Trump? When Donald Trump allowed the media in to watch him talk candidly with Republicans and Democrats about how to fix our broken immigration system, it was the best moment...
January 10, 2018
The Left Won’t Support Oprah
Oprah Winfrey created a social media firestorm when she addressed Hollywood at the Golden Globes on Sunday. Her best friend Gayle King got “goosebumps” listening to the speech. Her longtime partner, Stedman Graham, said she would definitely run for president...