July 15, 2009
The Jobless Recovery Conspiracy
The Jobless Recovery Conspiracy When President Obama and the Democrats face the music next November, and the unemployment numbers look even more grim than they do now, they will talk about the failures of the private sector, the...
July 13, 2009
The Vampire Moment
The Vampire Moment According to the New York Times, a series about vampires, “True Blood”, is pulling HBO out of the ratings doldrums, “pulling the channel out of a dry spell that began when several hit shows like...
July 10, 2009
Caritas in Veritate
House Minority Leader John Boehner and House Republican Policy Chairman Thaddeus McCotter put out an interesting press release this morning on Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical on the global economy. They cautioned: “Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, is neither...
July 9, 2009
Speaking Clearly on Honduras
If there is any member of the Senate who truly knows about the evils of communism, it is Mel Martinez of Florida. Senator Martinez came to Florida from Cuba as a young boy. His family...
July 9, 2009
Don’t Kill the Cure
America leads the world in biotechnology. It has the most companies, chasing the broadest number of breakthrough cures, with the best scientists and the most innovation. It’s a risky business, but when a biotechnology firm succeeds, everybody wins. Patients win,...
July 8, 2009
Stimulus II?
Stimulus II? The sequel is rarely better than the first movie. If the first movie is bad, the second movie will inevitably be worse. Think “Porkies 2”. The same holds true for stimulus packages. The first...