June 17, 2009
Mad Mullahs and Poker
The revolution in Iran is essentially about control. Younger people in Tehran are sick and tired of the conservative mullahs telling them how to live their lives. The conservatives demand that these young whippersnappers conform to a conservative, religious way...
June 16, 2009
How They Going to Pay For It?
So, How Are They Going to Pay for It? The Congressional Budget Office said that the Democrats’ plans to impose government-run health care are going to be expensive. As the Hill reports today: “The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a...
June 15, 2009
Assad Learns from Iran
MEMORANDUM TO: President Bashar al-Assad FR: Committee on Election Strategy RE: Lessons Learned from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Election Dear Mr. President, While most analysts and fellow dictators look at the election of our comrade Mahmoud and think “amateur”,...
June 12, 2009
Pinning The Extremist Label
The left-wing started it first. They tried to blame Bill O’Reilly for the actions of the idiot who killed Joseph Tiller. Then they tried to pin the crazy man who shot and killed a security guard at the Holocaust Museum...
June 12, 2009
And Baucus is the Moderate One
And Baucus is the Moderate One And Baucus is the moderate one. Roll Call, the Capitol Hill rag, reported yesterday about a meeting that the staff of Senator Max Baucus held with health industry representatives and lobbyists, where they were...
June 11, 2009
Balance and the Balance of Power
This originally appeared in The Politico According to ancient Chinese philosophy, life is the balance of yin and yang. Yin (feminine, dark, passive force) and yang (masculine, bright, active force) are complementary opposites rather than absolutes. Each creates and defines...