June 10, 2009
Czars Among Us
Czars Among US Many have already commented on the plethora of czars that have been named by the Obama Administration to help the President control the nation’s economy. Not many have noted the striking similarity between the actual...
June 10, 2009
Democrat Health Care Mess
Democratic Health Care Mess Candidate Barack Obama hammered candidate John McCain for McCain’s plan to tax health care benefits as a way to pay for health care reform. In commercial after commercial, Obama beat up poor McCain for as a...
June 9, 2009
So, Where’d the Money Go?
So, Where’d the Money Go? TARP may be the most unpopular piece of legislation since the Congress repealed the catastrophic health care bill in the early 1990’s. That was the one where a bunch of old people attacked Dan Rostenkowski...
June 8, 2009
Can We Afford More Debt?
(CNN) — We spend nearly as much on defense as the rest of the world combined. We spend more on health care than anybody else in the world. And we have a bigger national debt than anybody else in the...
June 5, 2009
Cheney Beats Pelosi
Cheney Beats Pelosi According to a Gallup poll, the roundly despised (by the media) former Vice President Dick Cheney has higher approval ratings than current Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. 37% of the American people approve of...
June 4, 2009
The Trouble with the Obama Speech
The Trouble With the Obama Speech It is altogether fitting that right after Barack Obama, the nation’s first Muslim President, apparently (in much the same way that Bill Clinton was the first Black President, if you get my...