June 4, 2009
A Nuclear Iran?
A Nuclear Iran? In a perfect world, President Barack Obama is right about Iran. It should have access to nuclear energy to help generate clean power. But it is not a perfect world. Iran...
June 3, 2009
No Surprise on Quotas
No Surprise on Quotas According to a new Quinnipiac University poll, most U.S. voters strongly disagree with Sonia Sotomayer’s position on the New Haven firefighters case. This comes as no surprise to me, and as faithful readers of this blog...
June 3, 2009
The Court Jester
The Court Jester Joe Biden is the Court Jester. He speaks uncomfortable truths, but looks like a fool doing it, so he is not seen as a threat. In last year’s campaign, he promised...
June 2, 2009
Rebuilding the GOP
(This orignally appeared in The Politico) John McCain may still win this election, but if he does, it won’t be because he is a Republican. It will be because he is John McCain. The Republican brand is in need of...
June 2, 2009
The Great Seduction
The Great Seduction The Obama Administration is cleverly and carefully seducing the powers that be in Washington D.C., just as they make remarkable strides in expanding the power and scope of the federal government. Just about the only force that...
June 2, 2009
Too Big to Succeed
Too Big to Succeed It used to be said that the government would rush in to save companies that were too big to fail. Citigroup, AIG and General Motors come to mind. That meant that the...