May 8, 2009
Keep these Brits Out of the US
What Brits Should Be Kept Out of the U.S? Earlier this week, the British government decided that Michael Savage should be kept out the U.K. because he spews hate on his radio talk show. I am not going...
May 7, 2009
5 Reasons the GOP Will Come Back
(CNN) — “It is important for us to have a strong Republican Party,” Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi tauntingly told a press conference on April 23. “And I hope that the next generation will take back the Republican Party...
May 6, 2009
The Public Option
The Public Option As Congress mulls what to do on health care reform, talk has started to turn to a solution offered by some Democrats that is seen as a way to deal with the problem of the uninsured. It...
May 5, 2009
Small Victories Can Lead to Big Change
Small Victories Add Up to Big Change It was a small victory. A couple of Republicans won local elections in the Democratic bastion of Alexandria, Virginia. But it is a start. Why did voters say they...
May 4, 2009
War on Globalization
War on Globalization The Obama Administration has fired a significant shot at the world of multi-national companies by calling for an end to a corporate tax break known as tax deferral. It sounds like mind-numbing mumbo jumbo to the many...
May 3, 2009
The Prophet of Positivism
The Prophet of Positivism Jack Kemp wasn’t a particularly good Vice Presidential candidate. He was a happy warrior, which made Bob Dole’s sourpuss more pronounced during his losing effort to gain the White House. But Kemp...