May 1, 2009
National Council for a New America
National Council for a New America Right after George Bush lost to Bill Clinton, and things looked bleak for Congressional Republicans, Haley Barbour, the new RNC Chairman, put together a strategy to basically rebrand the party. He founded...
April 29, 2009
Wake Up Call
This originally appeared on (CNN) — The departure of Arlen Specter from the Republican Party puts an exclamation point on a rough first hundred days for the national GOP in the Obama era. While many conservatives will say good...
April 29, 2009
Lot’s Of Talk, Not Much Action in First Hundred Days
Lot’s of Talk, Not Much Action This originally appeared in The Politico In 1994, when Republicans won control of the House for the first time in 40 years, they pledged in their famous Contract With America to take up 10...
April 29, 2009
The Majority-Makers
The Majority Makers If there were a legislator’s bible, one proverb in it would be, “Blessed are the majority-makers, for they give us the keys to the kingdom.” The majority-makers are those legislators in the House...
April 28, 2009
Running Away to Fight Another Day
I think it was Bart Maverick who said he who runs away lives to run away another day. It looks like Arlen Specter has learned from that philosophy. He is running away from Pat Toomey in...
April 27, 2009
The Free Lunch
The Free Lunch The old cliché that there is no such thing as a free lunch is being tested in a variety of ways in modern society. The newspaper business is finding that out the hard...