April 19, 2009
Hugging Hugo
Hugging Hugo The pictures over the weekend were pretty incredible. There was President Barack Obama and the dictator Hugo Chavez hugging for the cameras. Chavez is not just a well-known American hater. He is...
April 17, 2009
Torture I am against torture. Torture is what the Gestapo did in World War II. Torture is what the Japanese did in the movie, “The Bridge Over the River Kwai.” Torture is what they did in the Middle...
April 16, 2009
Four Uncomfortable Questions For Budget Debate
(CNN) — I was talking to a close family friend during my vacation in Florida, and he was criticizing the governor there for taking the stimulus money that came from the federal government. “Florida should just cut government spending, and...
April 15, 2009
The Politics of Resentment
The Politics of Resentment Resentment has always played a key role in the art of modern political strategy. Franklin Roosevelt played the resentment card beautifully in his first inaugural address, targeting Wall Street financiers and the rich: “Practices of the...
April 14, 2009
Do Republicans Want to Win or Look Good Losing?
Do Republicans Want to Win or Just Look Good Losing? Pat Toomey is trying to get Arlen Specter booted from the U.S. Senate, and is entertaining the fantasy that he can be his replacement. As much I have disagreed with...
April 8, 2009
Liking Obama, Opposing His White House
This originally appeared on CNN.com (CNN) — As I watched President Obama conduct a town hall meeting in Strasbourg, France, the other day, a chilling realization crossed my mind: I like the guy. This might be a surprise coming from...