April 7, 2009
Potus Visits Baghdad
POTUS Visits Baghdad It would have been awfully rude if the President didn’t drop in on the troops stationed in Baghdad. And sure enough, he made a quick and unscheduled stop in the “bad” war zone, as the...
April 6, 2009
A Humble Foreign Policy?
A Humble Foreign Policy When George Bush II came into the White House, he promised a more humble American foreign policy. Then, September 11th happened, Europe wanted appeasement, and it became clear that a humble foreign policy was...
April 5, 2009
E.I. An item in a news story caught the eye of my good friend Bill Pitts about President Obama’s otherwordly ability to connect with voters. According to the article, Mr. Obama has a high E.I. quotient. ...
April 2, 2009
Blinded by Science
Blinded by Science According to a new story by Michael Grunwald of Time, (‘How Obama Is Using The Science of Change: It’s more than a campaign slogan. Inside the White House’s plan to employ behavioral economics to promote its agenda-and...
April 1, 2009
It’s A Tie
It’s A Tie Jim Tedisco and Scott Murphy pretty much tied last night, and both sides will improbably claim victory. The Obama campaign (I mean White House) will say that this was a Republican district (it...