December 13, 2017
12 Random Thoughts on Roy Moore
Roy Moore was perhaps the worst candidate in history, and yet it took a titanic effort by establishment Republicans, President Obama, Richard Shelby and just about anybody who is anybody in the Democratic Party, to beat him. And Doug Jones,...
December 12, 2017
The GOP has a chance in ’18
All is not lost. That is the message I want to send to the House members that I have talked to over the last several days who take one look at history, another look at what happened in Virginia and...
December 5, 2017
Direct Benefits; Indirect Costs of the Tax Cut Bill
The benefits that flow from the Republican tax cut bill are direct and will be immediately felt. The indirect costs cited by the Democrats as flaws in the bill will be harder to quantify. For example, 90 percent of taxpayers...
December 5, 2017
End of objective reporting
Democracy dies in darkness. So said William Randolph Hearst in the run-up to the war to free Cuba from the deadly grip of the Spanish Empire. I’m kidding. As far as I know, Hearst, the famous muckraker and publishing baron,...
December 2, 2017
Lobbyists Don’t Love It, But This Tax Reform Bill Is A Huge Victory for the American People
Not everybody is going to be happy about this tax bill that just passed the Senate and will eventually make its way to the White House for the President’s signature. Lobbyists in Washington aren’t happy, especially if they live in...
December 1, 2017
Feehery Theory Podcast Ep. 25: Rexit, Super Pac/Super Freak, Shut Down Show Down