March 10, 2009
The Next Villain?
The Next Villain? According to media reports, the Democrats see Eric Cantor as the next big villain. Eric Cantor? With Clark Kent good looks, a pretty (and wicked smart) wife, a nice family, and...
March 9, 2009
Not Cap and Trade But Health and Jobs
The whole premise behind the cap and trade debate is to compel action by the big utilities to dramatically scale back emissions through fear. The basic argument of leading Democrats is simple: If we don’t...
March 6, 2009
Bush-Bashing Not Good For GOP
This originally appeared in The Politico It is now highly fashionable for Republican thought leaders to throw George W. Bush under the bus. I didn’t work in the White House, and nobody will ever confuse me with a “Bushie.” But...
March 5, 2009
Fake Right, Drive to the Left
Fake Right, Drive to the Left Our new President likes to play basketball. He’s a south-paw, and apparently has a soft touch around the hoop. I haven’t played against him, but I have played my fair share of...
March 4, 2009
Obama to Middle Class: Pay More for Energy
Pay More for Energy Peter Orszag, the geeky (I mean that in a good way) and straightforward Director of the Office of Management and Budget, laid it on the line for the American people at a Ways and...
March 3, 2009
It Could Be Worse
According to news reports, things could have been worse: “An asteroid of a similar size to a rock that exploded above Siberia in 1908 with the force of a thousand atomic bombs whizzed close past Earth on Monday, astronomers said...