February 24, 2009
No Pork in the Stimulus?
No Pork in the Stimulus? Norah O’Donnell got me again. I admit it. I was on her show yesterday, and she caught me with a simple question. Name me some pork in the stimulus...
February 23, 2009
Feehery vs. Kofinis
John Feehery and Chris Kofinis talk politics and State of the Union...
February 23, 2009
Mixed Message from Obama
Mixed Messages Last week, the President signed into law the largest unbudgeted spending bill in our nation’s history. This week, he held a fiscal responsibility summit, gathering business and political leaders to talk about the importance...
February 20, 2009
The Value of Money
The Value of Money My cousin’s husband has been buying gold. A lot of it. And he has been doing it for quite a while. He is not the only one. Gold prices have gone through the roof ever since...
February 19, 2009
The False Comparison
The False Comparison When I was in college, a friend of mine kept warning me about how the Japanese were going to take over the world. He was so convinced of Japanese superiority that he took...
February 19, 2009
Common-Sense Clarified
Common-Sense Clarified All truth in the long run is common-sense clarified, the philosopher once said. And what the Obama Administration is doing on mortgages defies common-sense Rick Santelli, the CNBC commentator, expressed the frustration...