February 19, 2009
The Next Big Thing
The Next Big Thing So, what is the next big thing that is going to get us out of this economic malaise that we are currently enduring? The big boondoggle known as the economic stimulus package...
February 18, 2009
Spiking the Ball in the Mile High City
Spiking the Ball Obama should have signed the biggest extra spending bill in our nation’s history at Mile High Stadium. He went to Denver and he spiked the ball. He chose the site of...
February 17, 2009
Two Sides of the Housing Coin
Two Sides of the Housing Coin I was flipping through the channels over the weekend, when I became momentarily fixated on one show that advertised the sale of cheap homes in the suburbs of Washington DC. ...
February 14, 2009
A Picture on My Wall
A Picture On My Wall There’s a picture on my wall with my former boss, Denny Hastert, surrounded by a group of reporters. I am on his left shoulder, listening in. As it turns out, the reporters were...
February 14, 2009
After Action Review
(This originally appeared in The Politico) Congressional Republicans are probably feeling that they did a pretty good job of poking holes in the president’s stimulus package. They probably feel good that a sizeable portion of the country agrees with them...
February 13, 2009
Gregg Breaks Off the Wedding
Gregg Breaks Off the Wedding “It’s not you. It’s me.” That is what Judd Gregg said to the Obama White House. But as anyone who ever lived through high school knows, when somebody says that its not you,...