February 12, 2009
Dems in Chaos
Dems in Chaos Will Rogers once said that he was a member of no organized political party. He was a Democrat. It is good to see that not much has changed with the Democrats. ...
February 11, 2009
Owning the Problem
The Stimulus My brother said an interesting thing yesterday about the stimulus. A rock-ribbed conservative Republican, he surprised me when he said that he was glad that Collins, Snowe and Specter voted for the bill. “This way, Republicans...
February 10, 2009
Rush Response
Rush Response Yesterday, I had the temerity to suggest to his eminence, Rush Limbaugh, that if he wanted to be a true leader of the Republican Party, he ought to give us his plans to win more votes. I specifically...
February 9, 2009
A Letter to Rush
(This originally appeared in The Politico) Dear Rush, Congratulations! You have been selected by the Obama administration, the mainstream media and 20 million of your most passionate followers to be the new head of the Republican Party. As such, you...
February 6, 2009
Not Ready for Prime Time
Not Ready For Prime Time Players Al Franken would fit nicely with this crowd. During Saturday Night Live’s halcyon days, Franken played a bit role with John Belushi, Dan Ackroyd, Gilda Radner and the gang. They...
February 5, 2009
Congress to Vote to Ban Office Retreats
Congress to Vote to Ban Retreats Embarrassed by revelations that they themselves have taken a work retreat at a fancy spa/hotel, Congressional Democrats announced that they would introduce legislation to ban all retreats by all companies. ...