January 16, 2009
Safety vs. Freedom
Safety vs. Freedom As George Bush departs the Presidential stage, he leaves behind many detractors and one rather large accomplishment that his detractors either ignore or undervalue. Since the horrific attacks of September 11th, not one...
January 15, 2009
Where Has All the Money Gone?
Where Has All The Money Gone? The Congress is currently debating whether it should give the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department 350 billion more dollars. Most Americans are scratching their heads and wondering what happened...
January 14, 2009
Future Shock and Managing Creative Destruction
Managing Creative Destruction I have just gotten the hang of Facebook, and now people are moving to twitter. What the hell is wrong with Facebook? Why do I have to learn a whole new deal? ...
January 13, 2009
Mugged by Reality
Mugged By Reality It looks like the dream known as Obama has already started to crumble. His once invincible cabinet has shown cracks that forebode a weak vetting process and hubris on the crack Obama staff....
January 13, 2009
Hillary at State
Hillary at State Diplomacy is a very tricky thing. If your compatriots around the world like you too much, it probably means that you are the sucker. If they hate you too much, it is probably counterproductive. If you try...
January 12, 2009
History Condenses
Exit Stage Left President Bush had his last bout with the White House Press corps, and I thought he gave as he good as he got. The White House press corps, like a lot of Americans...