December 29, 2008
Predestination as a religious term is most closely associated with John Calvin and posits that God has already decided whether you are saved or not. If you have grace, you will reveal it through your actions. If...
December 27, 2008
Christmas Crisis
The homing instinct is strong when you want to beat the Christmas rush. We arrived home this morning around 5 am, after the start of the 12 hour drive was delayed six hour by a...
December 25, 2008
Christmas in Frankfort
Christmas in Frankfort We are having a great Christmas holiday. My son Jack, who is still getting used to the idea of Christmas, didn’t wake up until 7:30 am, which is about an hour later than usual. His...
December 24, 2008
Purpose Driven Inauguration
Rick Warren inclusion in Barack Obama’s inauguration has caused panic on both the left and right. Gay and Lesbian groups have gone apoplectic over the thought that the Megachurch evangelist and best-selling author would dare to give...
December 21, 2008
Home for Christmas
I’ll be home for Christmas. Well, not exactly home, although I drove my wife and sleeping son by my old house in Homewood this afternoon. It was brutally cold outside, but it was warm in the car, and we didn’t...
December 19, 2008
IF Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich quoted from the Rudyard Kipling poem “If” at a very short press conference: If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If...