December 4, 2008
It’s All About GM
Interesting story on the front page of the New York Times today about the fate of Saturn, the General Motors car division. Saturn started as new kind of car company, a company that would use new techniques,...
December 3, 2008
Surviving One Party Government
As the new Democratic President and the Democratic Congress get ready to figure out how they are going to work together for the next two years, I have a piece of advice for them: Be nervous. Be...
December 2, 2008
A Theory on the Life Issue
File this under theory. I am pro-life. I believe that abortion is wrong, counter-productive, inhumane, and bad for society. I was pro-choice when I was in college, but I slowly changed my position the more...
December 2, 2008
Conservative Is Not An Ideology
The dictionary definition of conservative is the following: “Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change. Traditional or restrained in style: a conservative dark suit. Moderate; cautious: a conservative estimate.” Conservative is...
December 2, 2008
Mel Martinez
A lot of people are sad today because of the announcement that Mel Martinez will not stand for reelection. I am one of them. He said that he wanted to spend more time with...
December 2, 2008
Protecting the Right Flank
Peter Beinart, the liberal/progressive/whatever they are calling themselves these days made an interesting point on CNN the other day, a point I gleefully stole later in the program and now will steal again this moment. ...