November 19, 2008
Secret Ballot
Secret Ballot The top legislative priority of House Democrats in the new Congress will be card check, a bill that if signed into law, would end the secret ballot for union organizing. This afternoon, House Democrats,...
November 18, 2008
Transition Much talk has been made about the Obama transition, about his choices for White House staff, his picks for the Cabinet, and about the role of the Clintons. Not much has been said about the...
November 17, 2008
From March 12, 2007
March 12, 2007 Republicans, Stop! You’re Becoming a Regional Party. (John Feehery) @ 4:26 pm What is a conservative? While the conservative brand has taken a beating over the last several months with many independent voters, being a conservative is still...
November 17, 2008
From September 27, 2007
September 27, 2007 The Challenge for the GOP (John Feehery) @ 11:42 am This is not a newsflash, but it needs to be said. Republicans are in big trouble, and they need to get their act together soon. Our troubles stem...
November 17, 2008
From May 14, 2008
May 14, 2008 Three Makes a Trend (John Feehery) @ 11:01 am First, it was the Hastert seat. Then Richard Baker’s seat. And now, Roger Wicker. Four years ago, the House GOP would have easily won special elections in these...