November 10, 2017
Realistic Reform: Marching forward on a Pro-Growth Tax Code
Tax reform is marching apace in regular order. Congressional Democrats are bemoaning a process that is fair, thorough and realistic at its core. Members and staff on the Committees of jurisdiction in both bodies have looked at every angle, examined...
November 8, 2017
I Assumed Ed Gillespie Would Win & Made An Ass Out Of Myself
When I assume, I make an ass out of me. I assumed that Ed Gillespie would win. I assumed that Ed would win because Ralph Northam was a ho-hum candidate who went out of his way to alienate key parts...
November 6, 2017
Donald J. Trump: A Method to His Madness
This week, we will find out if there has been a method to the president’s madness. Since Donald J. Trump was elected, I consistently preached to all who would listen that it’s not what he says, it’s what he signs....
November 2, 2017
The Problem with the Democrats
You can find a nugget of the problem in a little Church in Old Town Alexandria. The new rector of Christ Church decided that a plaque honoring George Washington that flanked the altar was no longer appropriate and had to...
October 31, 2017
Washington Halloween: Don’t be Scared; Be Terrified
It was Irish (and Scottish) immigrants who brought Halloween to America. Like many other Christian celebrations, those Celts who celebrated All Hallows Eve in the old country did so as a compromise between the Catholic Church and the Druids who...