John Feehery: Speaking Engagements


November 10, 2008

The Obama Visit to the Oval Office

                President Bush welcomed President-elect Obama to the White House today.  Apparently, it was Obama’s first visit to the Oval Office.               I have only been to the Oval Office a couple of times, one time when...

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November 10, 2008

Guerilla Politics

Guerilla Politics   According to Wikipedia:  “Guerrilla warfare is the unconventional warfare and combat with which a small group of combatants use mobile tactics (ambushes, raids, etc.) to combat a larger and less mobile formal army. The guerrilla army uses...

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November 8, 2008

Dear Governor Romney

Dear Governor Romney               Dear Governor Romney,               I did not support you in your campaign to become President in 2008.  I am inclined to support you in the next election.  As you decide if you want to...

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November 7, 2008

Updating the GOP

                How would you like to be forced to use a cell phone from 1980 for your business?  Or a personal computer from 1994?               So, why are Republicans going back to the rhetoric of Ronald Reagan...

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November 6, 2008

Paving the Way for Obama

                It all started with Cosby.               While the civil rights lions of the 1960’s deserve great credit for giving black people the tools to participate fully in the political process, it was Bill Cosby and a...

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