November 6, 2008
Sacking Dingell
Nancy Pelosi, flush with the excitement of a new expanded majority and a new liberal post-partisan President, took two steps to may make her time as Speaker fairly short. First, she kissed good-bye to...
November 5, 2008
Getting on the Right Side of History
Sometimes you are the windshield, and sometimes you are the bug, as the song goes. Last night, the GOP was the bug. And we got crushed pretty convincingly. Watching Barack Obama give his...
November 5, 2008
Out of the Ashes
We lost. Get over it. And start rebuilding. This was not going to be a Republican year. Everybody knew that. I thought McCain had a chance, but I was...
November 4, 2008
The Decline of the Isms
The 20th century saw the rise of the isms. It started with nationalism, which dissolved into the First World War, as the Great Powers, with their entangling alliances, blundered behind their raised standards and their nationalist pride,...
November 3, 2008
San Francisco Values
San Francisco Values I have only been to San Francisco a couple of times, but I like the city. It has a lot of nice history, it is a real city with real neighborhoods, and it has a...