November 1, 2008
Three Threads
Ken Duberstein jumped off the Republican ship into the shark infested Democratic waters yesterday when he endorsed Barack Obama, following his good friend Colin Powell and abandoning his other friend John McCain in the process. ...
October 31, 2008
Going Down
For those who think these guys are on the level, the Democrats have downwardly adjusted who their tax increases will hit once again. Barack Obama used to say that anybody making under $250,000 would get...
October 31, 2008
A Little Planning Goes A Long Way
Taking a break from the feverish last days of the Presidential campaign, David Brooks writes some interesting thoughts about one of the least reported and most important keys to economic growth, transportation infrastructure. Brooks calls for a...
October 30, 2008
Kerrey’s Warning
I once told Bob Kerrey in an airport that I would vote for him should he decide to run for President. I always admired Kerrey because he was willing to take on big challenges, like...
October 29, 2008
The Infomercial
Here is what Wikipedia has to say about the infomercial: “As in any other form of advertisement, the content is a commercial message designed to represent the viewpoints and to serve the interest of the sponsor. Infomercials...
October 29, 2008
Drinking Game
Drinking Game Barack Obama has bought a half hour of prime network time tonight to give the voters one last chance to look at him as a Presidential candidate. I have an idea: Each time Obama...