September 21, 2008
The Great Depression, Part 2? You hear a lot about the Great Depression these days. Democrats, especially, love to talk about how George Bush is just like Herbert Hoover. They like to focus on the high rate of home...
September 19, 2008
A great set of new commercials being run by the Vets for Freedom organization exposes how wrong Barack Obama was on the surge. It juxtaposes comments made by David Petraeus about how the surge was...
September 18, 2008
Get in Your Face
This is the new politics from Barack Obama. Let call it the Obnoxious Obama campaign. He has authorized his campaign workers to get in the face of Republicans and Independents. He also might...
September 17, 2008
Devil is in the Details
I am pretty sure that Warren Buffet is not losing any money in this deal. You see, Buffet earns his money the old fashioned way. He invests in companies that he has heard of that...
September 16, 2008
Obama And Taxes
Barack Obama is trying hard to convince voters that he will not increase their taxes. It’s not working. In stump speech after stump speech, Obama proclaims that under his plan, 95% of the American people will see their taxes...
September 16, 2008
Hands in the Cookie Jar
The Obama campaign has tried its darnedest to blame John McCain for the ailing economy. It’s McCain’s free-market, laissez-fairer, philosophy that is to blame for this collapse, goes the argument. A couple of things wrong...