September 15, 2008
The Fundamentals
According to Investopedia, an encyclopedia geared towards business, the fundamentals are: “ In the broadest terms, fundamental analysis involves looking at any data, besides the trading patterns of the stock itself, that can be expected to impact...
September 15, 2008
Margin Call
When I was in college, I worked summers at a commodities firm in Chicago. My desk was right next to the Margin Call department. Back then, many commodities traders would put a small amount of...
September 13, 2008
The Big Lie
The Obama campaign has decided on a new strategy to counter the McCain-Palin offensive. They are doing everything they can to chip away at John McCain’s credibility, hoping upon hope that they can destroy his reputation as...
September 12, 2008
The Perils of Playing Safe
I have written about this before but it bears repeating. When Congressional majorities choose to run out the clock rather than get their work done, they lose seats. Democrats have chosen this year...
September 12, 2008
The Problem With Charlie
I like Charlie Gibson. I have met him a few times, and he is pretty genial guy in person. His nightly news broadcast is the best of the bunch. He is a pretty straight shooter, generally. ...
September 11, 2008
Remembering September 11th
Today, the Feehery Theory will take a break to remember those who lost their lives seven years ago. Here is an essay about how my day went of September 11th. It was clear, crisp September morning, the...