September 10, 2008
Theater of the Absurd
According to a new poll, more than half the people of the world think that Al Qaeda had nothing to do with September 11th. One in four have no idea who was behind the terrorist attacks, and...
September 10, 2008
Getting Back to the Real Debate
Lipstick or no lipstick? Pregnant or not pregnant? Creationism or evolution? Per diem or no per diem? Somehow, the media has focused on the least important aspects of the Presidential campaign over the last couple...
September 9, 2008
Nasty Nabobs of Negativity
Spiro Agnew used to call the media nattering nabobs of negativity for its relentless assault on Richard Nixon (and on Agnew). The media has taken its assault upon Republican politicians one step further by actually...
September 9, 2008
World Wants Obama, Which Means McCain Will Win
According to a new world-wide poll put together by the British Broadcasting Company, the world is pulling for Barack Obama to win, which is the kiss of death for the junior Senator for Illinois’s campaign. ...
September 9, 2008
Report: Palin Is Monotheist
(Juneau, Alaska) The New York Times reported today that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is a monotheist. This report was confirmed by three anonymous sources who wished to remain nameless. The Democratic National Committee put out a...
September 8, 2008
Bush and Woodward
Many Republicans wonder why President Bush spends so much of his time talking to Bob Woodward. Woodward has come out with his latest installment of his ongoing series that could be called “Bush at War.” ...