September 3, 2008
Good Night For McCain
Watching Fred Thompson on the stage last night prompted many of my friends to comment: Why didn’t he do this during the campaign? Thompson was simply awesome. He slugged away at the opposition as he...
September 2, 2008
Strange Convention
Strange Convention This has been a strange convention. It starts with the geography. St. Paul and Minneapolis are called the Twin Cities, but that implies that they are close together, which they are not (not if you want to take...
September 1, 2008
Putting Country First
Putting Country First Hurricane Gustav has obviously put a crimp in the style of the Republican Convention in St. Paul. The McCain campaign wisely shifted focus from partisanship aimed at Democrats to leadership aimed at New Orleans. ...
August 31, 2008
Tale of the Tape
In this corner, we have the wonder of Chicago, the silky left-hander, born in Hawaii, raised in Indonesia, educated at Harvard, Barack “The One” Obama. In the other corner, we have the citizen-mom, the feisty...
August 29, 2008
Reform Takes Center Stage
John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin puts reform on center stage for the Republican Party, for the election and for the nation. Palin is a comrade-in-arms with McCain in his efforts to change how Washington...
August 28, 2008
Obama’s Big Speech
Obama’s Big Speech As I rushed through Denver’s Airport, trying to find a bar with a television that would show the Senator Barack Obama’s speech before the Democratic National Convention, I found what I thought would be the...