August 20, 2008
Meanwhile, Back in the Congress
The Wall Street Journal had an interesting front-page story yesterday about the amazing lack of production from the United States Congress. As Elizabeth Williamson writes in the Journal, “Barring a burst of legislative activity after Labor Day,...
August 19, 2008
Putin Apologist
Pat Buchanan wrote today in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, “The arrogant folly of the architects of U.S. post-Cold War policy is today on display. By bringing three ex-Soviet republics into NATO, we have moved the U.S. red...
August 19, 2008
Olympic Gold and the Price of Gold
The United States is trailing the Chinese in Olympic gold, but is leading the world in all Olympic medals. And as the Russians invaded Georgia, the dollar strengthened, not because of some great resurgence in the dollar’s...
August 18, 2008
Thoughts About The VP Selections
So, according to the latest news, the Obama campaign is going to pick one of three possible candidates to be his running mate, sometime later this week. He was probably waiting for Michael Phelps to quit winning...
August 18, 2008
Russia, Georgia and the Democratic Party
Feehery apears on Hardball to discuss Russia, Georgia and the Democratic Party....
August 15, 2008
The White Party, According to Howard Dean
This is what Howard Dean had to say on NPR today: “: “If you look at folks of color, even women, they’re more successful in the Democratic Party than they are in the white, uh, excuse me,...