October 11, 2017
Reality Show
It was in 2001 that the Emmy Awards added Outstanding Reality Show as a category. Talk about a conflict in terms. According to Wikipedia, reality television is defined as “…a genre of television programming that documents supposedly unscripted real-life situations, and often features an...
October 6, 2017
The Feehery Theory Podcast Ep. 18 Almost Outta Time, Sexy Rexy and Safe Spaces
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October 5, 2017
Voting No On Tax Reform Plays Right Into the Hands of Steve Bannon
You can draw a direct line from the failure of the Senate’s Obamacare repeal and replace strategy to the decisive victory by Judge Roy Moore over Senator Luther Strange. Strange had plenty of problems going into the primary election. Local...
October 4, 2017
King George III Tried Gun Control. Maybe Congress Should Too.
King George III tried gun control. He put a tax on gunpowder as a way to get those damn colonists under control. In fact, that was one of the leading causes of the fracas up at Lexington and Concord. It...
October 2, 2017
The Lessons of Vietnam – Ken Burns
Like many Americans, I watched the latest documentary from Ken Burns that detailed the history of the Vietnam War. Here are the lessons I took away from it: Vietnam was part of a bigger strategic conflict and shouldn’t be seen...