August 15, 2008
The Manchurian Candidate?
In 1959, Richard Condon wrote a novel about the son of a prominent political family who has been brainwashed into becoming an assassin for the Communist Party, after being captured by the Chinese Communists in North Korea. ...
August 14, 2008
The American Left: Blaming America Again
The Russian invasion of Georgia is an example of Vladimir Putin’s expansionist imperialism and his effort to reclaim the lost greatness of the Soviet era. Or it’s all George Bush’s fault. On the...
August 13, 2008
The Great Game Revisited
Interesting op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today written by Melik Kaylan, a New-York based writer who has reported often from Georgia, entitled “Welcome Back to the Great Game”, gives some important insights into the game that Russia...
August 13, 2008
Beware the Down Time of August
(This originally appeared in The Politico) August can often be the cruelest of months. Just read Barbara Tuchman’s “The Guns of August” to get a sense of the series of misplays, miscalculations and miscommunications that sparked the first...
August 12, 2008
Good for John McCain
John McCain made some important remarks today in York Pennsylvania about the situation in Georgia. Here they are for your perusal: John McCain: “As you know, over the past several days, we have seen that international aggression is, tragically,...
August 11, 2008
The Playground
On the playground, when a bully beats up a smaller kid, all the smaller kids look for help from a big kid. When the big kid does nothing, the smaller kids do all that they can to...