August 3, 2008
Senator Obama’s New Clothes
Senator Obama’s New Clothes Many, many years ago lived a Presidential candidate, who thought so much of the word change, that he spent all his time thinking about it; his only ambition was the word change. He did not care...
August 2, 2008
Iraq vs. Afghanistan
Barack Obama thinks we should quit in Iraq and bring all of our troops to Afghanistan. He thinks he was still right on the surge despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. He thinks the most important theater...
August 1, 2008
Trouble In Obamaland
In 1988, Michael Dukakis had a 16 point lead over George Bush in polls leading up to the Democratic and Republican conventions. At the time, the conventional wisdom was that while the American people liked...
August 1, 2008
Big Mac Attack
Assessing Sen. John McCain latest Obama attack, with John Feehery, Republican strategist; Larry Sabato, UVA Center for Politics director; and CNBC’s Larry Kudlow. Big Mac Attack...
July 31, 2008
The Negative Campaign and John McCain
In this day and age, why do Presidential campaigns insist on going negative? The short answer is simple: Because they work They work especially when the voters are in a lousy mood and worried about the...
July 31, 2008
Ted Stevens
Legal experts are taking a closer look at the charges filed against Ted Stevens and scratching their heads. Is that all they got? Usually, when federal prosecutors go after a politician, they throw the book...