July 30, 2008
The Final Phase Of Nanny State Completed
(Washington DC, 2020) It started with the mandatory use of seat-belts. Congress today completed its final chapter of the nanny state by mandating that each American sleep eight hours a day. This follows legislation passed by the...
July 30, 2008
The global trade talks, know as the Doha Round, collapsed yesterday, eliciting yawns from most Americans, and cheers from a few. In Mexico, drug cartels have taken to killing innocent bystanders who get in the...
July 29, 2008
My Kind of Town
My Kind of Town Although I have lived in Washington D.C. for eighteen years, I will always consider Chicago to be my hometown. I was born on the south side of Chicago, and my family moved to the south...
July 29, 2008
No Little Plans
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is quoted in the morning newspapers saying, “I am trying to save the planet.” In other word, no drilling off-shore. No drilling in ANWR. No drilling where...
July 28, 2008
Tom Coburn
When I worked in the House Republican leadership and Tom Coburn was a member of the House, I didn’t like his style of politics. He seemed unreasonable. He held up legislation. He made us work weekends. He led...
July 27, 2008
Worst Case Scenario
For Congressional Democrats, their worst case scenario has been realized. The Associated Press is reporting that we are winning in Iraq. From the AP wire “BAGHDAD (AP) – The United States is now winning the war that...