July 17, 2008
The Obama World-Tour: Brought to You By the Major Networks
July 21 Brian Williams: “This is Brian Williams, reporting from Amman Jordan. Day 1 of Barack Obama’s World Tour. Lee Cowen is here to report on Senator Obama’s first day in the Middle East.” Cowen: “Brian, I...
July 16, 2008
The Virtues of Divided Government
(This originally appeared in The Politico) The choice this fall is not simply between John McCain and Barack Obama. It is also a choice between one-party rule and divided government. While House and Senate Republicans may do better than expected,...
July 15, 2008
Barack Obama Is Not Funny
Memorandum TO: Members of the National Comedy Writers Association FR: Comedy Guidelines Committee RE: Barack Obama Guidelines Given the latest flap from our friends at the New Yorker magazine, we have decided to issue the following...
July 15, 2008
Satire is Not For Sissies
The dictionary definition of satire is the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc. It sounds easy, but it is not. Satire is real funny when the...
July 13, 2008
Tony Snow
I saw my good buddy Rick Dibella talk about his friend Tony Snow on CNN yesterday. Dibella, who was a producer for Fox News Sunday when Tony anchored the show, observed that Snow wasn’t one to hit...
July 11, 2008
People, Get Ready
There is an interesting story in the National Journal today about Democratic planning for the eventual ascension of Barack Obama as President. Charlie Rangel, who backed Hillary Clinton in the primary, was licking his chops when he talked...