June 26, 2008
The Customer Should Be King
I take a point of personal privilege to make a point about how some big businesses are responding to increased costs. It is stupid to diminish the quality of the product in order to make a product...
June 25, 2008
The Next Wave
Gary Hart has an important op-ed in the New York Times today, (America’s Next Chapter). In it, he theorizes, “this campaign presents the potential for a new cycle in American history.” He goes on to quote Arthur...
June 24, 2008
Why Silence can be Golden
This originally appeared in The Ripon Society Magazine in December of 2007 JOHN FEEHERY The longest political campaign in history is just now closing in on its official start. All the Presidential wannabes are furiously trying to get their message...
June 24, 2008
Try Anything
John McCain is doing his version of Franklin Delano Roosevelt when it comes to the energy crisis that faces this country. Barack Obama is playing a hip version of Herbert Hoover. It was Roosevelt who...
June 23, 2008
The Man Behind Obama
The Man Behind Obama Campaign finance law goes completely over the heads of most Americans. Giving money to politicians to most people is like giving money to a used-car dealer. You probably aren’t going to get...
June 22, 2008
Terrorist Fist Jab
I am still trying to get my head around E.D. Hill of Fox News, whose comments about Barack and Michelle Obama landed her in the unemployment line. For those who don’t remember, Hill called the...