June 17, 2008
Crime and Immigration
Crime is the sleeper issue of this campaign, especially in Republican leaning-districts. While on a nationwide basis, violent crime is actually down, in smaller cities it is up by double-digit numbers. For example in Indianapolis violent...
June 17, 2008
The Squishes, The Right Wing Wackos and the Republican Majority
This orginally appeared in The Politico In 1989, when I started working for then-House Minority Leader Bob Michel, I was full of ideological enthusiasm. Fresh off of reading “The Fountainhead” and listening to Newt Gingrich’s GOPAC tapes, I was,...
June 15, 2008
Fathers and Sons
And so it goes. Fathers beget sons who beget their own sons. Fathers die, and sons are left to either carry on their legacy or to reject it out of hand. ...
June 14, 2008
Stiff Drink
This initially appeared in The Hill’s Pundits blog on April 21, 2008 A Stiff Drink (John Feehery) @ 1:56 pm Somewhere in the polls, the strategists for all the leading campaigns think that drinking alcohol in public is a good thing....
June 13, 2008
Tim Russert
Tim Russert was not just another pretty face Let’s face it. He wasn’t really a pretty face. But he was the best at his craft. He wasn’t a traditional journalist. He migrated from politics...
June 13, 2008
Shrink the Convention
The Republicans have a choice when it comes to their convention in September. They can have John McCain give his speech on Thursday, and offer strong competition to the Redskins-Giants game that will...