July 3, 2017
John Philip Sousa and the State of America’s Rituals
John Philip Sousa lived about 2 blocks from where my family lives today, on G Street SE, not too far from the Marine Barracks. Sousa, known as the March King, did more to create the music of America than perhaps...
June 28, 2017
The Health Care Situation
If I were reporting on the Senate health care situation, here would be my takes. 1 – What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Mitch McConnell didn’t kill the bill by scheduling it for a vote and having it go down. ...
June 26, 2017
Medicaid reform opening
On Friday, America celebrates National Asteroid Day. Coincidentally, the Senate may complete action on its ObamaCare repeal-and-replace plan the same day. National Asteroid Day functions to warn people that asteroids might destroy civilization. Democrats warn that Senate Majority Leader Mitch...
June 22, 2017
Laws Made in Small Rooms
Legislative decisions, upon introduction, are made in small rooms. I have been a proponent, in the past, of an open legislative process, where the majority works its will in open debate. That was a pipe dream. The legislative process has...