April 4, 2017
Donald Trump’s first 100 days: there is time to right ship
(Also published in The Hill) “Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?” Bluto didn’t have his history right in his iconic speech in the famous movie “Animal House” but his sentiment certainly has some resonance when talking about...
March 29, 2017
A New Health Care Strategy For the GOP
I thought Republicans didn’t like big omnibus bills. It seems to me that the effort to repeal and then replace Obamacare was too big, too complicated, too hasty, and ultimately not ready for prime time. The Freedom Caucus deservedly gets...
March 28, 2017
Freedom Caucus follies
Published in The Hill. Ah, the Freedom Caucus. As former President Barack Obama might have said, this was a teachable moment for President Trump. I am tempted to ask the question of this querulous, rebellious, iconoclastic collection of right-wing dunderheads:...
March 27, 2017
Get to the Meat of the Trump Agenda
Replacing Obamacare is the broccoli of the Trump legislative agenda. It’s not the red meat that will make America great again. George H.W. Bush once said about the leafy vegetable, “I do not like broccoli. And I haven’t liked it...
March 22, 2017
To Tweet Or Not To Tweet; That is the Question
Live by Twitter; Die by Twitter. I couldn’t help myself, with that opening line. Twitter is the most important media platform for politics going today. It is also a dog of a stock. I bought Twitter when it was low...
March 21, 2017
Whither American Exceptionalism?
(Also published on Political Storm) It’s a down moment for American exceptionalism. That seems to be the opinion of the hard right. America can’t be the world’s policeman anymore. We can’t pay to make the world a safer place, because...