January 3, 2017
Change Can Be Hard
They got rid of the basketball court at the health club at my gym next door. I bitterly resisted. I asked our local Councilman to weigh in, reasoning that the health club was housed at an old school and that...
December 31, 2016
2016 Was a Very Good Year
When I was 52, it was a very good year. So would say Frank Sinatra. And me. 2016 wasn’t a bad year. It was a very good year. Villanova upset the world to win the NCAA basketball tournament. That...
December 28, 2016
2016: The Year of Shattered Assumptions
2016: The Year of Shattered Assumptions… It was assumed that a small Catholic college could never win another NCAA basketball tournament. And then Villanova surprised everybody. It was assumed that the Cubs could never win a World Series again. The...
December 22, 2016
Don’t Believe the Obama Hype
History will judge Barack Obama kindly. I’m not saying he is a great President. He’s not. But historians will look at several things that happened during his tenure in the White House and they will give him high marks. He...
December 20, 2016
Pass the Graham DACA Bill
Is it fair to punish children for the sins of their parents? Is it fair to expel from this country children who have been here for up to twenty years or more because their parents didn’t have the proper paperwork?...
December 16, 2016
Trump’s Disruptive Cabinet
In 1974, Patty Hearst was abducted by the Symbionese Liberation Army, a small group of radical left-wingers, dedicated to fighting “racism, sexism, ageism, fascism, individualism, competitiveness, possessiveness and all other institutions that have made or sustained capitalism.” Hearst was the...