October 19, 2016
Conspiracy Theories: Trump Versus Media, Financial Elite
I remember well when Hillary Clinton went on the Today Show and told Matt Lauer (back when he had hair) about the vast right-wing conspiracy that was determined to destroy her husband’s career. She was right. There was a huge...
October 18, 2016
Paul Ryan: A Thoroughly Decent Guy
Paul Ryan is one of the most thoroughly decent guys you will ever meet in politics. He is not a schemer. Not a back-stabber. Not a political animal. He’s not the kind of guy who relishes digging up dirt on...
October 12, 2016
The voters will decide this election
The voters will decide this election. Not the pundits. Not the press (although they are trying). Not the pollsters (although they think they have this thing nailed down). Not even the politicians. I know I have had a limited impact...
October 7, 2016
Crazy is as Crazy Does, to Paraphrase Forrest Gump: Bill Clinton on Healthcare
(This originally appeared in The Political Storm) Bill Clinton is not crazy, although his comments about President Obama’s signature legislative achievement might seem to indicate that he is. Clinton called Obamacare the craziest thing he has ever seen. I’m sure...
October 4, 2016
Hillary Rodham Nixon
(Also published on Political Storm) By BRIAN ROBERTSON One of the greatest ironies of this campaign seems largely lost on a generation of commentators and reporters who cut their political teeth in post-Cold War, post-Reagan Washington. Nearing the closing act...
October 4, 2016
Donald Trump’s “Weaknesses” Are, in Fact, His Strengths
(Published in Political Storm) Donald Trump’s strongest asset is the fact that he is a businessman and not a politician. Hillary Clinton is attacking him on his record as a businessman. Instead of being defensive about that record, he should...