September 22, 2016
Overcoming Legislative Roadblocks in the Next Congress
The next president has much to accomplish. We have a broken immigration system that demands immediate attention. Our tax code is too complex for normal people to understand, too punitive for American businesses, too inefficient because of its myriad of...
September 19, 2016
Why the GOP Will Keep the Senate
(This originally appeared in The Hill) Nobody thought that Republicans were going to keep the Senate earlier this year. They had too many seats to defend in tough states. They had a mess at the top of the ticket. They had...
September 18, 2016
Donald Trump is Many Things
(This originally appeared on the website Political Storm) Boring is not among them. Most politicians release their medical forms on a Friday afternoon, hoping the story goes away. Trump releases his on the Doctor Oz show, ensuring that he garners...
September 14, 2016
For House Conservatives, a Clear–If Grim–Choice on Spending Legislation
(Published in The WSJ) There are many reasons “lame-duck” sessions of Congress have that name. Departing lawmakers don’t want to interrupt their various job searches to do the bidding of their soon-to-be-former constituents. The president generally has given up on trying...
September 14, 2016
If you can’t stand the heat …
(Published in The Hill) Ronald Reagan chopped wood and rode horses to prove he had the strength and vigor to do the tough job of being president. George W. Bush cleared brush on his ranch and rode mountain bikes. Barack...
September 13, 2016
“Deplorable” Talk Should Be Deplored
According to Wikipedia: “Untouchables were confined to menial, despised jobs, working as sweepers, gutter and latrine cleaners, scavengers, watchmen, farm laborers, rearers of unclean animals such as pigs, and curers of hides. They were denied access to Hindu temples, were...