September 12, 2016
Anatomy of a Winning Senate Campaign
This originally appeared on the website Political Storm. It wasn’t all that clear at the beginning of the election cycle that Rob Portman, Ohio’s junior senator, would be able to coast to reelection. The political climate was, and is, uncertain...
September 7, 2016
Ron Fournier and the Transformation of American Journalism
On Saturday mornings and Monday evenings, a rag-tag group of press hacks and flacks gather together to shoot hoops in the Washington DC area. There are some good players out there, if you take into consideration that the average age...
September 6, 2016
What Is This Election All About?
What is the 2016 Presidential election about? In 1932, in the face of the Great Depression, voters wanted a new deal so they voted for Franklin Roosevelt. In 1960, after 8 years of the blandness exuded by Ike, they wanted...
September 1, 2016
Sublime to Ridiculous
This originally appeared in the Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank. From the sublime to the ridiculous: That’s how Donald Trump’s day went. When he met with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto on Wednesday afternoon, Donald Trump looked downright presidential. Journalists...
August 31, 2016
If Kaepernick Wants To Act Like a Jackass, More Power to Him
I don’t agree with Colin Kaepernick’s protest against the National Anthem, but I will defend to the death his right to wage it. Frankly, I didn’t even know the San Francisco quarterback was black until he made every headline in...
August 31, 2016
Trump Should Pivot on Immigration
This originally appeared on the website Political Storm. “We need to do something about immigration.” “We have too many illegals in this country.” I was in Arizona, talking to two small business owners after a speech I had given about...