August 30, 2016
The Power to Tax Might Destroy the EU
Seven years after the War of 1812 commenced, and five years after Francis Scott Key penned the lyrics to our national anthem, John Marshall wrote these immortal words: “The power to tax involves the power to destroy.” America was still...
August 29, 2016
Breaking the Democrat Monopoly Over the Black Vote
Donald Trump put the question directly to black voters. What do you have to lose? Things are so bad in African-American communities, the Trump theory goes, that why not vote for somebody like him, who promises to make America great...
August 26, 2016
The Outer Banks and Global Warming
We have had beautiful weather here on the Outer Banks. The kind of weather that you assume will never change. Perfect sun. Slight breeze. Only a few clouds in the sky. The waves at the beach had enough gentleness to...
August 24, 2016
Backroads to the Beach
I took the backroads to the beach. I don’t like driving down 95 anyway and I had heard traffic was especially terrible. And so I took a circuitous route down to the Outer Banks of North Carolina from my home...
August 23, 2016
Deadhead Sticker on a Cadillac
I saw a deadhead sticker on a Cadillac. For some reason, that thought crossed my mind as I sat at the beach in the Age of Trump. What initially triggered the thought was the sight of a young guy in...
August 19, 2016
Paul Manafort’s Unsurprising Resignation
(Published in the WSJ) It should surprise no one that Paul Manafort has resigned from the Trump presidential campaign. Mr. Manafort was hired to help Donald Trump navigate the end of the Republican primary process and the troubled waters of...