August 18, 2016
In Down-Ballot Primaries, Bright Spots for Republicans Turned Off by Donald Trump
(Published in the WSJ) Pragmatic conservatives, horrified at the nomination of Donald Trump, can take some solace in other elements of the Republican Party. There have been signs that in interparty conflicts between the governing wing and the talk-radio wing,...
August 18, 2016
How Will the Trump Campaign Shakeup Shake Out?
(This originally appeared in the website Political Storm) Two fundamental problems dog Donald Trump’s campaign for the White House. First, there is a real question as to whether he has the credibility to be president. He is an outsider’s outsider....
August 16, 2016
Breaking the Bayh Habit
“Joanne Herring: Why is Congress saying one thing and doing nothing? “Charlie Wilson: Well, tradition mostly.” That’s one of my favorite lines from the great movie, “Charlie Wilson’s War.” I was thinking about that line, especially in the context of...
August 15, 2016
The Albert Example
Carl Albert supported George McGovern in 1972. Not during the primary, mind you, but in the general. McGovern was a terrible candidate, maybe even worse than Donald Trump. He supported an alternative defense budget, which would have dangerously put America...
August 12, 2016
Not Your Classic Underdog
(This originally appeared in the website Political Storm) According to the dictionary definition, an underdog is “a person, team, etc., that is expected to lose a contest or battle.” As we get closer to the Labor Day holiday, it would...
August 9, 2016
The Battle of the Sexes, Round 2
“If I am to be a chauvinist pig, I want to be the number one pig.” So said Bobby Riggs, immortal showman and tennis impresario, who challenged Billie Jean King to a winner take-all match in the so-called Battle of...