Archive for the ‘American Values’ Category
Winning By Losing
Posted on June 27, 2015
(This originally appeared in the Wall Street Journal’s Think Tank) Conservatives may be furious with the Supreme Court, but the court did the Republican Party two big favors this week....
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The Confederate Battle Flag Belongs In a Museum
Posted on June 23, 2015
It’s easy for me to say it. I am from Illinois. I was taught, growing up, that Abe Lincoln was America’s greatest President and that the Civil War was a...
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Et Tu, Lew?
Posted on June 19, 2015
The Department of the Treasury building is directly east of the White House. Standing in front of that stately building is a proud statue of Alexander Hamilton, the first and...
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Look of Evil
Posted on June 18, 2015
The vacant eyes. That’s what is so striking about the pictures of the latest mass murderer. Dylan Storm Roof, who coldly killed 9 people in an iconic African American Church...
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So Long, Dave
Posted on May 21, 2015
I was in college when David Letterman first got his late night show. Back then, I routinely stayed up past my bedtime, drinking beer, shooting pool, playing cards, talking philosophy,...
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