Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category
Reductio Ad Absurdem
Posted on July 7, 2011
Reduced to the absurd. Ideologues on both sides of the philosophical divide fall dangerously into this trap. Conservatives who believe that government does not need to exist are every bit...
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Tax Sham
Posted on July 6, 2011
Nonsense. The President’s position on taxes is complete and total nonsense. He has made a big deal out of taxing corporate jets. I remember when Bill Clinton made a big...
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The Declining Art of Negotiation
Posted on July 5, 2011
Otto Habsburg, the last heir to the throne of the former Austrian-Hungarian Empire and oldest member of the Habsburg family, died yesterday at the age of 98. The Habsburg family...
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Fireworks and Freedom
Posted on July 5, 2011
I am writing this blog post as I watch the Capitol Fourth on public television. When I worked on the Hill, I used to have access to the Capitol building,...
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Taking Himself Out
Posted on June 30, 2011
The President took himself out of the negotiation game yesterday with his hissy fit of a press conference where he castigated the Congress for not getting its work done when...
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